Hydroconseil and NHA are working in Lesotho with the Ministry of Water and the Department of Rural Water Supply (DRWS) to structure community water utility operators and set up dedicated management procedures and tools. For this final mission, Hydroconseil and NHA have conducted Training of Trainers (ToT) with DRWS staff. The first week of training allowed to present and provide the necessary tools for the supervision and effective management of water systems. For this second week, Hydroconseil and NHA are supervising the training of operators by the DRWS in the Berea district. An exciting project!

Assainissement au Mozambique / Sanitation in Mozambique
Pratiques de lavage des mains au Burkina Faso
Bassin transfrontalier de la Mékrou / Basin of the Mekrou
Mission au Libéria / Assignment in Liberia
Latrines en Mauritanie / Latrines in Mauritania
Kiosque à Haiti / Kiosk in Haiti