Our references in Burkina Faso

787: Feasibility study for the establishment of a public service delegation for a hand pump fleet (HP)
Dates: 11/2019 - 04/2020
Client: French Development Agency (AFD)
Financing: French Development Agency (AFD)

704: Institutional and organizational audit of the water and sanitation sector in preparation for sector reform
Dates: 01/2018 - 01/2019
Client: European Commission
Financing: EuropeAid

682: Technical assistance to the Regional Directorate for Water and Sanitation in the Eastern Region (DREA Est) as part of the Eastern Region's Drinking Water Supply Program
Dates: 10/2017 - 02/2022
Client: Ministry of Water and Sanitation
Financing: French Agency for Development (AFD)

636: Mid-line Study of the Urban development country Programme
Dates: 09/2016 - 10/2016
Client: Cities Alliance/UNOPS
Financing: UNOPS

614: Action Research on sustainable water service delivery in rural areas
Dates: 04/2016 - 04/2018
Client: UNICEF
Financing: UNICEF

581: Finalization of the ‘Civil Society Organizations’ Engagement document Document (ED) 3 "Civil society Organisation" included inof the Thematic Programme "’2016-2020 Human Rights and stability Stability2016-2020"’ thematic program
Dates: 10/2015 - 12/2015
Client: DANIDA (Danish Co-operation)
Financing: Danida

579: Mid-term evaluation of the Forestry Sector Support Program (PASF)
Dates: 10/2015 - 12/2015
Client: Lux-Development
Financing: Luxembourg Cooperation

563: Project formulation for improved access to potable water in the Eastern Region (PAEP-Est)
Dates: 10/15 - 06/16
Client: Directorate General of Water Resources (DGRE)
Financing: French Development Agency

554: Feasibility study on new financing methods for developing a market for low-carbon, climate change resilient housing
Dates: 05/2015 - 08/2015
Client: Association de la Voute Nubienne (AVN)
Financing: FFEM/AFD

530: Formative study on handwashing with soap
Dates: 02/2015 - 06/2015
Client: GIZ
Financing: GIZ

504: Evaluating the sustainability of the USAID WA WASH program
Dates: 09/2014 - 12/2014
Client: Florida International University
Financing: USAID

414: Process consultant for the implementation of PCESA (agriculture)
Dates : 11/2012- 05/2013
Client: DANIDA (Danish Co-operation)
Financing: DANIDA (Danish Co-operation)

393: Evaluation of the project AEPA implemented by the Red Cross and Luxembourg Pharmacists Without Borders for 21 villages in the municipality of Pabré
Dates : 08/2012
Client: SLVB Consulting SARL
Financing: Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Luxembourg

387: Revision of the programme documents for the Danish support programme to the economic growth and the employement in rural areas
Dates : 06/2012-09/2012
Client: DANIDA (Danish Co-operation)
Financing: DANIDA (Danish Co-operation)

386: Appraisal of the danish support programme to the economic growth and employment in rural areas of Burkina Faso
Dates : 05/2012- 06/2012
Client: NCG
Financing: DANIDA (Danish Co-operation)

372: Evaluation of a PPP project for water supply in 5 peripheral areas of Ouagadougou
Dates : 06/2012- 12/2012
Client: WSP (Water and Sanitation Program)
Financing: WSP (Water and Sanitation Program)

359 -Second edition of Blue Book Burkina Faso
Dates : 12/2011-03/2012
Client: Eau Vive
Financing: Eau Vive

358 -Assistance to the General Management of Water Resources Directorate (DGRE) for the evaluation of the study "Design and creation of a database for the National Information System on Water " of Burkina Faso
Dates : 11/2011- 01/2012
Client: Royal Danish Embassy
Financing: DANIDA

357 -External evaluation of the National Water and Sanitation Program (PNAEPA) in Burkina Faso during the 2007-2010 period
Dates : 11/2011- 04/2012
Client: Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Hydraulique (MAH), Direction Générale de la Ressource en Eau (DGRE)
Financing: DANIDA

348 -Faisability study of the replication of the pilot project of Ouagadougou's public services delegation in two irregular and periurban neighborhoods of Houndé
Dates :08/2011- 10/2011
Client: GIZ
Financing: GIZ

325 -Analysis of the SWAP method in Western Africa: Case study in Senegal and Burkina Faso.
Dates :04/2011- 08/2011
Client: European Commission
Financing: European Commission

312 -External Evaluation of 2007/2010 RAIN Foundation's Programme promoting the collection of rainwater in Mali and Burkina Faso
Dates : 10/2010- 11/2010
Financing: Foundation Ensemble

302 -Preparation and management of a regional workshop on water and sanitation, designed for EC delegations in Western and Northern Africa
Dates : 05/2010- 06/2010
Client: European Commission (AIDCO E/7)
Financing: European Commission

301 -Context Analyses for the Rain Foundation
Dates : 02/2010- 03/2010
Client: Rainwater Harvesting Implementation Network
Financing: Rainwater Harvesting Implementation Network

297 - Management and implementation of Phase 2 of Country Status Overviews Reports of Water Supply and Sanitation in 10 Francophone West African Countries : Policy dialogues, action plans and summation
Dates : 01/2010 12/2012
Client: WSP Africa
Financing: WSP (World Bank)

289 -Efficiency Assessment of the African Water Facility
Dates : 11/2009- 02/2010
Client: African Water Facility
Financing: African Water Facility

285 -Evaluation of "The Rain Foundation's" programme for rain harvesting in West-Africa
Dates : 10/2009- 11/2009
Client: The Rain Foundation
Financing: DGIS (Dutch co-operation)

276 -Assistance to ONEA for public service delegation experiment in peri-urban areas
Dates : 07/2009- 07/2010
ClientWater and Sanitation Program (WSP)
Financing: World Bank

269 - Macro-economic study of the water sector
Dates : 06/2009- 12/2009
Client: Center for the Co-ordination of Water Resources (CCRE)
Financing: Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS)

264 -Country appraisal for DANIDA's co-operation in rural water supply and sanitation Dates : 04/2009- 05/2009
Client: Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Financing: DANIDA

262 -CSO phase 1: Water supply and sanitation situation assessment in four African countries
Dates : 03/2009- 09/2009
Client: WSP (World Bank)
Financing: WSP (World Bank)

246 -Global Sanitation Fund - National Scope of Work - Burkina Faso
Dates : 06/2008- 10/2008
Client: Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC)
Financing: Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC)

245 -Assistance for the design of Regional Strategies supporting small municipalities in water and sanitation development
Dates : 02/2008- 02/2009
Client: Programme Solidarité Eau (pS-Eau) and Partenariat pour le Développement Municipal (PDM – Partnership for Municipal Development)
Financing: French Development Agency (AFD), European Commission

239 -Technical Audit of the programme for water and sanitation in rural areas (PADSEA II)
Dates : 02/2008- 05/2008
Client: PEMConsult
Financing: DANIDA

235 - Assessment to the Blue Books elaboration in five Western Africa countries
Dates : 11/2007- 03/2009
Client: International Secretariat for Water
Financing: Protos, Eau Vive, SIE, European Facility, French Development Agency (AFD)

234 -Sanitation Service Providers: Support to SSIP as to improve sanitation services
Dates : 03/2008- 10/2008
Client: Building Partnerships for Development (BPD), Water and Sanitation Programme (WSP)
Financing: DFID, World bank

232 - Sanitation Review for several African countries
Dates : 09/2007-04/2008
Client: Water and Sanitation Program (WSP)
Financing: Water and Sanitation Program (WSP)

219 -Elaboration of a Financing Guide for Sanitation
Dates : 03/2007- 06/2009
Client: Programme Solidarité Eau (pS-Eau)
Financing: French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

218 -Implementation of a water supply project in the sub-urban area of Ouagadougou : Detailed Studies and Works Supervision
Dates : 06/2007- 06/2009
Client: National Office for Water and Sanitation (ONEA)
Financing: French Development Agency (AFD)

217 -Support to the implementation of a monitoring and evaluation system of the rural component of the national programme of water and sanitation
Dates : 04/2007- 12/2007
Client: General Directorate for Water Resources (DGRE)
Financing: DANIDA

215 -Wastewater Master Plan for Ouagadougou. Sanitation action plans, solid waste collection and rainwater management for six cities. Water supply system improvement for two cities.
Dates : 03/2007- 12/2007
Client: National Office for Water and Sanitation (ONEA)
Financing: French Development Agency (AFD)

213 Elaboration of a methodology for testing the new ISO standards on quality of water and sanitation services in developing countries
Dates : 01/2007-12/2007
Client: Programme Solidarité Eau (pS-Eau)
Financing: MEDD & French Development Agency (AFD)

212 - Technical Assistance to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the 2007 co-chairman of the Africa Working Group of the European Union Water Initiative
Dates : 01/2007- 12/2007
Client: French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE)
Financing: French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE)

206 -Documenting experiences in Private Sector Participation in the Management of Water Supply Services in Disperse Rural Areas (FRUGAL model)
Dates : 09/2008- 06/2009
Client: Water and Sanitation Program (WSP)
Financing: World Bank

197 – Ref Multi-country - Desk study on management models for rural water supply services, in preparation to Aguasan24
Dates : 06/2008- 09/2008
Service value: 5‚000 €

Client: SKAT Consulting
Financing: Swiss Aid

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