Our references in Mozambique

774: Final survey and assessment of the water, hygiene and sanitation programme in small towns of the Inhambane province
Dates: 07/2019 - 11/2019
Client: UNICEF
Financing: European Union (UE)

728: Development of a WASH sustainability check methodology and its implementation in 07 small towns
Dates: 06/2018 - 12/2018
Client: UNICEF
Financing: UNICEF

681: Review of the implementation of WASH projects in small towns within the Delegated Management Framework and end-of-project evaluation of project: rehabilitation of two piped water systems
Dates: 07/2017 - 10/2017
Client: UNICEF
Financing: UNICEF

509: Independent Verification of the Maputo Output-Based Aid (OBA) water supply project and end-of-project beneficiary survey
Dates: 07/2014 - 10/2014
Client: FIPAG (Fundo de Investimento do Abastecimento Patrimonio de Agua)
Financing: Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA)

422 – Ref Worldwide - Services to conduct an evaluation of the WASH Sector Strategy “Community Approaches to Total Sanitation (CATS)”
Dates : 01/2013-07/2013
Client: UNICEF
Financing: UNICEF

408 -Technical Assistance to Strengthen thecapacity of the Municipalities of Nampula and Quelimane for the Management of the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Program
Dates : 09/2012- 08/2013
Client: MCC and AIAS
Financing: MCC

406 -Formulation of a four small towns water and sanitation project to be implemented by Unicef and AIAS
Dates : 09/2012- 11/2012
Client: European Commission
Financing: European Commission

366 -Rural Water and Sanitation program evaluation
Dates : 02/2012- 03/2012
Client: Inter aide
Financing: EC and French Development Agency (AFD)

363 -Technical assistance contract to AIAS capacity building activities
Dates : 09/2011- 02/2012
Client: SAL CDS
Financing: World Bank

342 -Technical assistance "Investment and planning" for the project FIPAG Water Supply of Maputo
Dates : 08/2011- 08/2012
Client: FIPAG (Fundo de Investimento Patrimonio do Abastecimento de Agua)
Financing: French Development Agency (AFD)

289 -Efficiency Assessment of the African Water Facility
Dates : 11/2009- 02/2010
Client: African Water Facility
Financing: African Water Facility

283 -MMA Aquifer: Building and calibration of a numerical groundwater flow model as a resource management tool
Dates : 10/2009- 10/2010
Client: ARASUL
Financing: French Development Agency (AFD)

277 -Independent Monitoring and Verification Agent (“IMVA”) for the Maputo Water Supply System
Dates : 07/2009- 06/2014
Client: FIPAG
Financing: GPOBA

255 -Business model for a medium-sized private operator (EMA)
Dates : 11/2008- 12/2008
Client: Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP)
Financing: Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP)

229 -Technical assistance to ARASUL for the monitoring of underground water resources in Maputo Region
Dates : 10/2007- 10/2009
Client: ARASUL
Financing: French Development Agency (AFD)

228 -Evaluation and characterization of service quality (mapping service quality)
Dates : 08/2007- 02/2008
Client: CRA (Conselho de Regulação do Abastecimento de Água)
Financing: World Bank

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