In the official development assistance sector, we stand out by virtue of our multidisciplinary, integrated and sustainable approach, which encourages skills transfer.
Hygiene and sanitation
Drinking water supply
Irrigation and agricultural development
Environmental issues
Adaptation to climate change
Integrated water resources management
Solid waste management
Our multidisciplinary team and network of over 300 local partners provide our customers with a wide range of expertise, which is tailored to the needs and social, linguistic and cultural realities of each country.
Access to essential public services
An integrated approach that covers all technical (feasibility and design studies), sociological, legal, economic and institutional aspects
Climate change adaptation
Vulnerability and risk management studies, environmental impact assessments, energy efficiency, service resilience, etc.
Sector diagnostics and strategies, institutional reforms, public policy development, service management models and public-private partnerships
Social engineering
Household surveys, development of communication and outreach strategies (IEC), social impact studies, participatory diagnosis and modelling
Promoting small private operators
Identification, support, and technical and financial skills development
Technical and organisational: training modules and seminars, facilitation, methodological manuals, human resources development, etc.
Economic and financial expertise
Financing mechanisms, pricing, operating cost optimisation, financial expertise for public service concession contracts, etc.
Integrated water resources management
Assessments, master plans, developing stakeholder cooperation, local community support, prospecting, water resources development and monitoring
Research and knowledge production
Designing and implementing research projects, developing and publishing knowledge products, case studies, field notes, policy briefs, etc.
Monitoring and evaluation
Evaluations of projects, programmes, strategies/policies or portfolios. Multi-country evaluations and global monitoring programmes (GLAAS, Country Status Overviews, Blue Books, etc.).

Close to our clients
We work in more than 90 countries, including forty in which we work on a regular basis and a further ten in which our resident experts work alongside our clients.
This geographical spread means we are particularly well-placed for carrying out complex, multi-country assignments.

Avignon, Paris, Bogota

Resident experts
Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Colombia, Ecuador, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mauritania, Mexico
Our global expertise
24 chemin de la Rollande
84140 Avignon
84 rue de l’Aqueduc
75010 Paris