This scheme is part of the 5-year technical assistance that Hydroconseil is providing to the Regional Directorate of Water and Sanitation (DREA). The first step involves delivering training on water supply service performance, regulation and technical and financial monitoring as part of the Eastern Region Drinking Water Supply Project (PAEP-Est). This training has been positively received and has brought together a large number of staff from both the regional directorate and the water supply directorate.

Assainissement au Mozambique / Sanitation in Mozambique
Pratiques de lavage des mains au Burkina Faso
Bassin transfrontalier de la Mékrou / Basin of the Mekrou
Mission au Libéria / Assignment in Liberia
Latrines en Mauritanie / Latrines in Mauritania
Kiosque à Haiti / Kiosk in Haiti